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Davidson Public Art Commission Banner Project Installation This Week

by | Feb 23, 2021

Tyler Knight, Town of Davids public works, hangs the banner designed by Patrick Harris. It is one of 26 banners. The public art project is being installed on Main Street and Griffith Street. (Bill Giduz photo)


Virtual Dedication February 24, 2021 at 1pm

The Davidson Public Art Commission is excited to announce the installation of its banner project. In solidarity with recent national and local events- both tragic and inspiring- the project lines the main corridor to and through town with a variety of banners illustrating key ingredients of strong communities and our best selves: Respect, empathy, justice, equality, equity, love, belonging, inclusion, unity, peace, and understanding.

The project aligns itself with the Town of Davidson’s strategic plan which states, “Davidson remains committed to controlling our own destiny as a distinct, sustainable, and sovereign small town. Our sense of community is rooted in citizens who respect each other; in racial and socioeconomic diversity; and in pedestrian and bicycle orientation; all in the presence of a small liberal arts college. Our history and character guide our future.”

Twenty-six artists of all ages who are North Carolina residents with an affiliation with either the town or Davidson College (past or present) were chosen as finalists. Their artwork is on display on 20” x 45.5” banners throughout the town for public insight and enjoyment. You are able to view all of the banners on the Town’s website here.

A dedication for the banner project was held on  Wednesday, February 24, 2021 at 1:00 p.m. at Roosevelt Wilson Park. Mayor Knox and Sherry Nelson, Chair of the Davidson Public Art Commission made brief remarks. Due to public health guidance, the town observed all COVID-19 protocols including holding the brief event outdoors and strictly limiting the number of individuals present to those participating in the ceremony. A livestream of the event was available on the town’s YouTube page or Facebook page for all members of the public and the press.


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