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241 Vaccine Doses Administered!

by | Feb 23, 2021

And with a quickness that is clearly the result of a lot of practice, a medical practictioner gave a dose of the Pfizer vaccine to one of Davidson nonagenarians.


On Tuesday Mecklenburg County Public Health hosted a vaccine clinic at the Ada Jenkins Center with help from the Town of Davidson and several community partners. At the end of the day, 241 doses of the Pfizer vaccine had been administered.

COVID-19 vaccines were only available for individuals in Groups 1 and Groups 2. Group 1 includes health care workers with in-person patient contact and long-term care staff and residents. Group 2 includes older adults over the age of 65.

While many Davidson residents in these groups had been able to travel to Charlotte, Concord, or even Winston-Salem to get a vaccine – the clinic at the Ada Jenkins Center was a potentially life-saving event for neighbors unable to safely travel those distances.

No walk-up appointments were available. Prior to the event, individuals were asked to sign up on the County’s web site. A number of volunteers assisted Town Staff to sign up neighbors who did not have computer access. The folks who got their first dose on Tuesday will be back at Ada Jenkins next month to receive their second dose. Everyone hope the weather next month will be as beautiful as today.

Town Staff and several elected officials noted that this event would lay the groundwork for future such vaccine clinics in the community. 



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