Slots Filled Quickly for COVID-19 Vaccine Clinic at Davidson College on April 10
Friday afternoon the Town of Davidson and Mecklenburg County announced that the county’s Public Health Department would host a vaccine clinic at the Vance Athletic Center in Baker Sports Complex at the Davidson College Campus, in Davidson, on Saturday, April 10, 2021 from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. The press release was issued at 4:15 p.m. Within hours, perhaps less than an hour – ALL the slots were filled.
The Town and County are attempting to increase the number of vaccines available. If they do become available, slots will open up at the link provided below.
Participants should use the Baker Drive entrance to the college from Concord Road.
Mecklenburg County Public Health and North Carolina Department of Health and Human Services guidelines provide that COVID-19 vaccines are available for all adults beginning on April 7. Based upon guidance, the community clinic at Davidson College will be open to all individuals in Groups 1 through 5 who are 18 and older. At this time, Mecklenburg County Public Health does not know which of the three FDA-approved vaccines will be available at the clinic. If Pfizer is available, eligibility will extend to those age 16 and up.
To sign up for an appointment, please visit
Participants may also call 980-314-9400 and select option 3 (option 8 for Spanish-speaking) to schedule an appointment. You will need to identify yourself as someone who needs to make an appointment at the Davidson College Baker Sports Complex.
We appreciate Davidson College’s partnership in this event and ask anyone attending to follow campus rules requiring facemasks and physical distancing.
Please note vaccine supply is limited. No walk-up appointments will be available.