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This Week at DFM: May 1

by | Apr 29, 2021

People and dogs flock to the unofficial opening of the new gathering space in town (Bill Giduz)


Hello DFM Shoppers,

Great news! Construction for the gathering space between Summit Coffee and DFM is complete. We are excited to move back into our former location, spreading out the farmers market. If you’re a new shopper to DFM, prior to the pandemic, the farmers market stretched between two parking lots including the greenspace (new gathering area). With the newly renovated space, DFM is able to keep the market in the gathering space and Jackson Street Parking lot.  Additionally, we now have a dedicated area for our events and educational programs, a space for live music (centrally located for everyone to hear), and more space for vendors in the years to come.

Staring this Saturday, we will be in our permanent layout. This includes 12 vendors at the top of the Jackson Street Parking Lot (facing Summit Coffee) to welcome shoppers before entering the parking lot. The market tent (red tent) will now be located in front of DFM’s shed (here you can get more info, assistance with EBT/SNAP, and purchase soon-to-come DFM merchandise).

Shoppers can access the market from a number of locations, we just kindly remind you that the market does not open until 9am. If you are an early arriver, we encourage you to window-shop or stop by Summit to grab a coffee before shopping.

Last night, Governor Cooper announced the easing of COVID-related restrictions. This includes the removal of requiring a face covering to be worn outdoors when 6 feet of social distancing can be maintained. Since DFM is an open-air market, social distancing can occur but rarely does especially at peak shopping hours. With that said, DFM highly encourages all shoppers to continue wearing a mask while shopping at DFM to protect yourself and your fellow shoppers. You can read more about last night’s executive order here.  DFM staff, volunteers, and vendors will continue to wear masks. 

We are very excited to see everyone this Saturday and to enjoy the newly renovated area and permanent layout.

Happy eating,



Market Hours & Info

Prime Market hours are 9:00am – Noon, EVERY Saturday, located behind Summit Coffee on Main Street in the Jackson Street parking lot and surrounding area.

We kindly ask that shoppers wait until the market opens at 9am before shopping (listen for the bell). Vendors will not sell to shoppers prior to 9am.


  • Prime Market Season April 3 – November 20
  • Holiday Markets December 11 & 18

DFM highly encourages shoppers to wear a mask while shopping. We are following the 2-out-3 recommendation: If outside and socially distancing, then no mask; if outside and not socially distancing, wear a mask.

All vendors, staff, and volunteers will continue to wear masks and have hand sanitizer accessible.

Don’t miss these items available at market:

Correll Farm has an assortment of greens including: kale, collards, bok choy, and mustard; Heritage Harvest Farm has Mother’s Day floral arrangements and bouquets for pre-order; Festin Bakery has chocolate babka, almond pear tarts, and chocolate toffee chip cookies;  and Blue Goat Dairy has a variety of goat cheese spreads and products.

Vendors away this week:  Liberty Farm & Creamery, Sun Raised Foods (salami truck)

If you choose pre-order and do not plan to shop in-person, you can skip the line and pick up your pre-order from the red Market Tent. Just give your name and who you pre-ordered from and our DFM volunteers will get your order for you.

To view this week’s full list of vendor offerings, please click this link.

We Ask That You Please

  • Wear a mask when not socially distancing at DFM;
  • Maintain social distancing when shopping: at least 6 feet;
  • Credit card payments encouraged and accepted, keep cash payments to a minimum;
  • Minimize gathering within the market, catch up with folks outside the market boundaries in the new gathering areas, and;
  • No pets allowed in the market, certified service animals welcome.


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