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DavidsonLearns Event: Robert Dinwiddie – May 19

by | May 13, 2021

Robert Dinwiddie (royal VA governor, 1651-8) was, in order of magnitudes, the most important British official in the colonies in the run up to the French and Indian War. He set George Washington’s trajectory for becoming commander-in-chief of the revolutionary army by launching the latter’s military career and strove headlong into a bitter constitutional battle with the House of Burgesses that presage the Stamp Act. And yet, only two biographies in as many centuries. Why: Dinwiddie has been caught in the riptide between Washington biographers and French and Indian War scholars. He has been left for roadkill.

John Zimmerman

John Zimmerman has spent six years as a historical interpreter/guide at Mount Vernon. He is currently working on an article on Dinwiddie.

Event Details

Wednesday, May 19 at 1:00 PM

Zoom Meeting:
Meeting ID: 528 235 0917

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