Development of a balanced budget is a fundamental responsibility of local government governing bodies; North Carolina General Statutes govern the requirements of the budget development process.
The board of commissioners and town staff worked diligently to establish goals and priorities which started at our retreat in February 2020. Those priorities are supported through the budget. In Davidson, the town manager is the budget officer for the town. His responsibility is to prepare and present the board of commissioners with a proposed budget each year. He works closely with staff to project revenues and expenditures for the upcoming fiscal year.
Below is a schedule of activities for the approval of the July 1, 2021 – June 30, 2022 fiscal year budget:
May 11: The recommended budget is presented for board review
May 25: Virtual public hearing and board of commissioners discussion on the budget at board meeting
June 8: Work Session meeting: budget ordinance will be considered for approval by the board
Information regarding budget items to be discussed at the above meetings will be found attached to the published agendas here: and all documents will be published on this webpage.
All residents are encouraged to participate in the budget process, and especially to participate in the May 25 public hearing.
Virtual Public Hearing
Community members are invited to engage during the virtual public hearing scheduled for May 25, 2021 at 6:00 p.m. Residents are encouraged to share their thoughts on the proposed FY 2021-22 Budget.
In order to ensure public participation, the following options prior to the budget public hearing will be available for public comment. These options were developed to allow different technologies to be used ensuring equitable and robust comment opportunities:
- Email: The public will be allowed to participate in the public hearing by sending written comments to [email protected] of no more than 400 words via email. If the email is submitted by 5:00 pm on Tuesday, May 25, 2021, the comments will be read aloud at the meeting. In keeping with the board’s current procedures, only three minutes of verbal reading will be allowed per email. The deadline to submit by email is 6:00 pm on Wednesday, May 26, 2021.
- Phone: The public will be able to call (704) 940-9614 and leave a voicemail message in order to provide public comment. These messages will be played during the public hearing period, but will be limited to three minutes. The deadline to submit by phone is 5:00 pm on Tuesday, May 25, 2021.
Residents may also send an email to [email protected] to ask questions and/or share feedback.
Important Documents
FY2022 Manager’s Recommended Budget Booklet
FY2022 General Fund Revenue Budget
FY2022 General Fund Expenditure Detail Recommended Budget
FY2022 Recommended Budget – Affordable Housing
FY2022 Recommended Budget – Storm Water
FY2022 Recommended Budget – Solid Waste
FY2022 Needs List
FY2022 Proposed Budget Snapshot