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Meet the Need – Post-COVID

by | Jun 1, 2021

Visit Meet the Need on our News of Davidson website to see what Davidson-based nonprofits need.

In late 2019, News of Davidson celebrated the beginning of our third year serving the community by introducing “Meet the Need,” an online hub to connect you to the needs of local nonprofit organizations.

And before Meet the Need really gained traction, COVID hit.

Now that we are coming out on the other side of the pandemic, we aren’t giving up. We still believe that having ONE place where our community can find the need of our local nonprofits is important.

If you have time or goods to spare, you may have wondered which of our community nonprofits is looking for your help — and what they need.

Now, Nonprofit volunteers and staff were excited when we launched this tool, and many still look to News of Davidson to get the word out about their specific needs.

Go to Meet the Need on the News of Davidson site. Lists will be updated every month, and needs will vary, ranging from donating goods and services to volunteering, to supporting coming events.

Click on any nonprofit name to find the following information:

What the nonprofit needs — the lists are regularly updated.

Where to drop off your donation — details are listed with each nonprofit.

When to drop off your donation — times are listed with each nonprofit.

What kind of volunteer help is needed — and when and where.

The News of Davidson editorial team thanks Pam Dystra for coming to us with the concept and for much of the legwork to bring Meet the Need to life and keeping in touch with our nonprofits to keep their information current.

Our community provided tremendous support to our local nonprofits during COVID, and we will continue to provide a one-stop location for them to list their needs.

Make a difference: Meet the Need!

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