Main Street Books Monday Night Spotlight – What Is It?
The Monday Night Spotlight series uplifts the work of our local writers. On second Mondays, we host panels of local, independently published authors for readings. It is so popular that the Fall 2021 Monday Night Spotlight series is already filled.
Check out our Events Calendar for the next Monday Night Spotlight.
What does a Monday Night Spotlight look like?
Our events are virtual for the time being. We organize MNS into two seasons, spring and fall. On second Mondays of each season, four local writers will be chosen by our selection committee to read from their published work & engage in conversation with each other, supported by book sales by Main Street Books. When we return to in-person events, MNS will include signings.
Can I apply today for the Monday Night Spotlight?
Yes! for the Fall 2021 season which runs July to December for book sales.
How many submission periods are there each year?
Main Street Books hosts two Monday Night Spotlight seasons, spring and fall. Applications for the Fall Monday Night Spotlight were open from May 7th to June 15th
The spring season runs February-May and the fall season runs September-November.
What are the expectations of the authors accepted into the Monday Night Spotlight program?
This program is a partnership between the author and Main Street Books and so it’s important that authors participate in making this event a great success. Further information will be communicated once you are accepted into the program and will include details around the author’s role in publicity and event participation.
Will other authors be featured at the same time?
Yes, 3-4 authors will be matched with a common theme for the event.
How will people purchase my book?
In addition to the five copies we will shelve through the consignment program, we will be collecting book orders during and immediately after the event via a simple order form.
Will I be able to participate in a book signing?
No, we will not have an in person book signing; however, having authors sign their books is a nice touch and highly suggested. We will coordinate this with orders that arrive during the event and we also ask that you sign the five copies that we have in the store for purchase. When events return to in-person, we will host author signings at MNS.
As the author, will I be involved in marketing the event?
Authors lay the groundwork for strong sales by building and engaging their audience well before launch and eventing. Audiences begin with family and friends, but include professional networks, social media followers, and the writing community. It is important that you share, invite, and encourage your audience to attend your MNS event!
Where will my book be displayed in the store?
On our events shelf at the prime location in the front of the store before the event and then in our local author section which is organized by genre.
Selling before and after event
Before the event is the prime time for sales! We will provide you with guidance and suggestions should you be accepted. We will have a live link to purchase during the actual event.
What should I avoid during this partnership?
As booksellers we are of course so thrilled for you to have your book with MSB; however, stopping by with your book during shop hours to exclusively discuss your book with booksellers is hard for us as we manage tending to customers.
Who is considered a local author?
To support local authors to the best of our ability, we have found that local is best defined as an author who can regularly visit our bookstore in Davidson, NC. This helps us build a personal relationship with each author and facilitates expedient management of your books in our store. Authors in the Davidson, Charlotte, & Lake Norman areas are encouraged to apply, but if you are in the Carolinas and it’s convenient for you, we would love to review your application!