Town Board Approves Pedestrian Task Force
Tuesday evening the Town Board approved the following nominations for the Pedestrian Safety Task Force:
George Berger – Mobility Plan Subcommittee
John Cock – Mobility Plan Subcommittee
Nicole V an Baelan
Connie Wessner
Heather Seagle
Matt Santos
Charlie Raynal
Erica Croke
Nancy Gardner
Kevin Smith
Scott Denham
Ruth Yoash-Gantz
Laura Schumacher
Angie Grooms
Val Watson
The Board also approved the following resolution as the charge to the task force:
Resolution 2021-16
WHEREAS, the Town of Davidson’s core values state citizens need to move easily throughout the town and region, so government will provide a variety of options, such as sidewalks, bike paths, greenways, connected streets, and transit. They also state Davidson must be a safe place to live, work, and raise a family, so the town will work in partnership with the community to protect lives, and
WHEREAS, the town board’s 2020-21 strategic plan highlighted Connecting People and Places, identifying the need to expand the town’s transportation network to provide residents and visitors with safe, convenient, and efficient travel choices to connect people across the community, and
WHEREAS, the Pedestrian Safety Task Force was created by the town board of commissioners in Summer 2021 in response to the tragic pedestrian fatality that occurred on Main Street in Davidson on June 17, 2021. This incident, along with previous devastating fatalities, injuries, and close calls, served as a catalyst for the town board to call for a task force to look specifically at pedestrian safety, namely pedestrian and vehicle conflicts.
WHEREAS, the Pedestrian Safety Task Force will be comprised of members of the standing mobility subcommittee as well as other Davidson residents willing to serve. The task force will be charged with looking at issues of pedestrian safety across Davidson. They will focus on three critical areas of education, enforcement, and infrastructure.
WHEREAS, the Pedestrian Safety Task Force will play a key role in determining appropriate next steps to ensure that the Town of Davidson continually provides a safe community and environment in which to live, work and play.
WHEREAS, the Pedestrian Safety Task Force’s scope will be limited to within the Town of Davidson city limits. Though the town continually makes efforts to ensure safety of residents within the ETJ, as well, that is not within the purview of this task force.’
WHEREAS, final recommendations of short-term, medium-term, and long-term goals, as well as recommendations for pedestrian infrastructure improvements, should be in place no later than October 26, 2021. These recommendations will be made to the Town of Davidson Board of Commissioners for their consideration and to take any necessary action.
NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, the Town of Davidson Mayor and Board of Commissioners does hereby adopt the charge of the Pedestrian Safety Task Force, which includes:
Reviewing past progress and recommendations from previous studies, including the recently adopted Mobility Plan
Engaging with public safety and other town staff to receive valuable input
Soliciting feedback from the wider community to broaden the discussion and encourage new ideas
Identifying short-term, medium-term, and long-term goals and solutions for pedestrian safety
Providing recommendations for priority pedestrian infrastructure improvements
Town of Davidson staff is directed to immediately begin convening the group of selected residents who volunteered to serve on this task force, as well as engage the appropriate members of the standing mobility subcommittee to begin this important work.