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Davidson Board of Commissioners Virtual Work Session Tuesday, September 14, 2021 

by | Sep 11, 2021

The Town of Davidson Board of Commissioners will hold a virtual work session on Tuesday, September 14, 2021 at 6:00 pm through the Zoom virtual platform and streamed live on YouTube. The meeting is agenda online –

The Town of Davidson aims to ensure public accessibility and participation. Please see below on how you may participate in this meeting if interested.

To participate in the meeting, follow these steps:

The agenda follows:
Virtual Work Session on Zoom and YouTube
Tuesday, September 14, 2021
6:00 p.m.

    Roll Call – Mayor Knox will confirm each member of the board is present.
  3. Recognition of Marcia Webster, former Davidson Housing Coalition Executive Director
  4. Constitution Week September 17 – September 23



Summary: Town staff and the board of commissioners will continue to discuss the Town of Davidson COVID-19 response and how to protect the public health in Davidson.


Providing ample opportunity for the public to engage and participate in the decision-making process by the town board during the pandemic is a top priority. In order to ensure public participation, the following options prior to town board meetings will be available for public comment. 

  • Email:The public will be allowed to comment by sending written comments to[email protected] of no more than 400 words via email that will then be read aloud at the meeting if the email is submitted by 5:00 pm on Tuesday, September 14, 2021.
  • Phone:The public will be allowed to participate in the public hearing by verbal comment by calling 704-940-9614 and leaving a voicemail message. These messages will be played during the public hearing period, but will be limited to three minutes. The deadline to submit by phone is 5:00 pm on Tuesday, September 14, 2021.
  • On Screen Public Comment during the meeting:The public will be allowed to speak on screen during the virtual public hearing period.  Register for the meeting from the link above on the agenda and email[email protected] to request On Screen Public Comment. The deadline to register and email the clerk is 5:00 pm on Tuesday, September 14. When appropriate and prompted by the Town Clerk, the community member will be promoted to a panelist and will be allowed to speak for three minutes. At the conclusion of the community member’s public comment, the clerk will then remove them as a panelist and return them to attendee mode.

Note: If the same comment is made via email and voicemail, only one will be used in the meeting with the voicemail taking first priority. Public comment must be submitted by 5:00 p.m. the day of the meeting.

  1. Proposed Draft to the Davidson Planning Ordinance (DPO): Mobility Plan Text Amendments

Jason Burdette, Planning Director

Summary: The Davidson Mobility Plan is a local comprehensive transportation plan that provides a town-wide vision and coordinated recommendations for multi-modal travel and access within and through town. The Mobility Plan was adopted by the Board of Commissioners in August 2019.

To implement policies recommended in the Mobility Plan, changes to the Davidson Planning Ordinance (DPO) are required. The policy goal recommendations include updating standards for sidewalks, pedestrian crosswalks, advisory shoulders, and multi-use paths (including greenways and sidepaths). Other recommendations originated from concerns raised by staff and commissioners. These include improving the town’s alley standards.

Action: This is a public hearing.  No action is required.

  1. DISCUSSION –Items for discussion are typically when the board will engage on a topic and no vote is planned.
  2. Planning Board Committee (PBC) Update: Growth Management

Jason Burdette, Planning Director

Trey Akers, Senior Planner

Shawn Copeland, Planning Board Vice Chair

Summary: Building upon earlier conversation with the board of commissioners and the public,   in April 2021 the Planning Board Committee (PBC) presented various recommendations and options as to how strategic approaches to growth management could be implemented. Based upon feedback received, the PBC and staff worked to develop options specific to improving the development process (with earlier public engagement and specific checkpoints), codifying the Growth Management Framework, and developing the Utility Service and Annexation Criteria (USAC). 

Action: This item is for discussion purposes only.

  1. Consider Approval of Proposed Water/Sewer Extension to River Run Phase 6 (18500 Shearer Rd.)

Jamie Justice, Town Manager

Summary: Under the town’s agreement with Charlotte Water, Davidson Board of Commissioner approval is required for any water and sewer extension (extension of water and sewer lines to serve a property that is not a connection to existing lines adjacent to a property) to service a property. It has been determined by Charlotte Water that the proposed River Run Phase 6 located at 18500 Shearer Rd. requires a water and sewer extension. The property owners request that the water and sewer extension be granted to the River Run Limited Partnership for the development of 90 detached and attached homes. The parcel is currently vacant. This item was discussed at the July 27 regular meeting and removed from the August 10 work session agenda. The Board of Commissioners deferred this item at the August 24 regular meeting.

Action: The board is asked to consider approval of the water/sewer extension request to River Run Phase 6 per the town’s water and sewer policy.

  1. Consider Approval of Charlotte Regional Transportation Planning Organization (CRTPO) Proposed Grant Applications

Doug Wright, Project Manager

Summary: The town board has approved the town’s Fiscal Year (FY) 2022-2026 Capital Improvement Plan (CIP) which includes projects for roadways, greenways, and multi-use paths.  The voter-approved general obligation bond (GO) funds and capital improvement funds (CIF) have been programed into the CIP for these projects.  In addition, the financial strategy has been to seek grant funding to leverage the town’s local dollars to advance these projects.

The Charlotte Regional Transportation Planning Organization (CRTPO) provides grants to local governments for transportation-related projects. Their next grant cycle for discretionary grant funding begins in August and closes in October. The grants are typically an 80% grant with a 20% local match. This source of funding is one of the primary grant options for Davidson for transportation projects.  

Staff has reviewed the potential projects and determined the ones that are the most likely to be eligible for CRTPO grant funding:

  • North Main and Beaty Street intersection improvements.
  • Potts Sloan Beaty phase 2 – Beaty Street sidepath from Griffith St to North Main.
  • Grey Road multiuse path from Wolfe Street to Abersham Park.
  • Concord/Grey/Pine roads intersection improvements.

Action: The board is asked to authorize staff to proceed with making applications for these projects.  If awarded the grants, the local matches would come from the town CIP utilizing 2017 GO bonds and CIF dollars.

  1. Consider Approval of 2021 Resurfacing Contract

Doug Wright, Project Manager

Summary: The 2021 resurfacing project will be in the “South of Griffith” area and include the Spinnaker Cove neighborhood. 2021 is Year 1 of a 5-year paving plan that identified streets in need of resurfacing. The project was bid out on September 3, 2021.  Blythe Construction was the low bidder at $544,756.22.  

Work will commence by October 1, 2021 and be complete by November 15, 2021. Streets include Peninsula Drive, Catawba Avenue, Park Drive, Lakeside Avenue, Houston Street, Eden Street, Jackson Street, and the Spinnaker Cove neighborhood.

Action: The board is asked to consider approval of the construction contract with Blythe Construction in the amount of $544,756.22 and authorize the Town Manager to sign the contract.

  1. Discuss Non-Discrimination Policy Update

Eugene Bradley, Housing & Equity Director

Summary: Staff will provide an update from the Affordable Housing and Equity Board and how to move forward a non-discrimination policy in the Town of Davidson.

Action: This item is for discussion purposes only.

  1. Discuss Affordable Housing Action and Implementation Plan Update

Eugene Bradley, Housing & Equity Director

Summary: Staff will provide an update on the Affordable Housing Implementation Plan process including history of the plan, selection of a consultant, plan goals, and next steps.

This item was previously discussed with the board at the July 13 meeting.  

Action: This item is for discussion purposes only.

  1. Consider Approval for a Noise Ordinance Variance Request – Davidson College Fall Fling Event

Summary: Davidson College has requested a noise ordinance variance for Saturday, September 18, 2021 from 10:00 p.m. to 1:00 a.m. for the Fall Fling Event Party to be held outside at the Old Tennis Court Lawn.  Davidson College will notify neighbors of within a three-block radius of campus in advance of the event regarding the additional noise.  

Action: The board is asked to consider a motion to approve the Noise Ordinance Variance Request from Davidson College for Saturday, September 18, 2021.  

  1. Review Upcoming Agenda Items 

Jamie Justice, Town Manager

Summary: The Town Manager will review upcoming agenda items.

Action: This item is for discussion only.

VII. SUMMARIZE MEETING ACTION ITEMS – Town Manager will summarize items where the board has requested action items for staff.


  1. NCGS§143-318.11 (a)(3) Town of Cornelius, et al., vs MI Connection Communication System d/b/a Continuum et al.

For more information, please contact Town Clerk Betsy Shores at [email protected] or 704-940-9614.

Community members requiring reasonable accommodation (such as an interpreter or other auxiliary aids) to access public meetings should contact Town Clerk Betsy Shores prior to the meeting at 704-940-9614 or [email protected]

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