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Jane Campbell – Candidate for Davidson Town Board

by | Oct 11, 2021

Jane Campbell

I’m Jane Campbell and I’m running for re-election to the Davidson Town Board. I grew up in a military family and lived around the globe before arriving at Davidson College. After graduating and working at the college for two years, I began my own military career – in the U.S. Navy. I served aboard three ships – starting out on a supply ship during Desert Shield/Storm. My shore assignments ranged from the White House to Afghanistan and a variety of places in between. Like my father, I spent 26 years serving in uniform. Retiring as a Navy Captain in 2015, I moved back to Davidson with my spouse, who is my Davidson classmate.

After retiring, I believed that I still had more to offer. I initially began with volunteer work across Davidson. Most of my efforts centered on affordable housing and helping the housing insecure. I really enjoyed the hands-on work as a weekday Habitat volunteer – including building homes in Huntersville, Cornelius, Mooresville, as well as the last Habitat home built in Davidson.

In 2017 I heeded a new call for public service – running for Town Board. I was elected then, and subsequently won re-election in 2019. I’m running again because I’m proud of what we have accomplished over the past four years – especially our proactive efforts to seek citizen input. But there is more work to be done. 

I know that achieving a decision on the Town Board requires a three-person consensus. No one person can single-handedly drive the agenda. However, one person can build consensus around important issues in our community.

Now, more than ever, we need leadership and experience. We need board members who can and will devote time and energy to the work of our Town. I hope I can earn your vote. Thank you.

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