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Tim Neal – Candidate for Davidson Town Board

by | Oct 11, 2021

Tim Neal

My family and I LOVE Davidson. We have lived in Davidson for over 11 years. My lovely wife, Becky, and I have three wonderful daughters, Hadley (20), Wylie (16), and Cleo (10), and two dogs, Ollie and Beau. We have enjoyed watching our girls grow up in this incredibly diverse community.  I am grateful for the opportunity to raise my daughters here and often joke with my wife that our girls are “free range” kids because of the opportunities Davidson provides. Davidson is genuine, unique, and a strong community where neighbors support and look out for each other.

I want to continue to see Davidson “grow in” instead of “outgrow” as a town.  We “grow in” when we reinvest in downtown, east and west Davidson, create housing opportunities that are affordable and accessible, diversify transportation, promote safer streets, and protect our green spaces. We will not “outgrow” Davidson if we continue to invest in local businesses, neighborhood improvements, infrastructure upgrades, and stakeholder collaboration. I will encourage investment in our community and foster an environment where all people feel welcomed. My goal is to encourage community involvement and stakeholder collaboration in all Town decisions. When we invite the correct people to the table, we will create Smart Growth for a Sustainable Future.

As a Davidson Town Commissioner, I will work hard to continue building a community that is: economically viable, environmentally aware, and sustainable for the future.

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