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Celebrating Jane Cain at Davidson College Presbyterian Church

by | Oct 26, 2021

The combined choirs of DCPC performed a special piece of music commissioned to honor Jane Cain’s 41 years of service at DCPC.

Jane Cain retired last year, after serving forty-one years as the Director of Music for Davidson College Presbyterian Church (DCPC). Because of the pandemic, DCPC could not gather in-person in 2020 to honor Jane. At long last, the church was able to recognize Jane at a special musical event on Sunday, October 24. After the event, people gathered outside the sanctuary to greet and thank Jane and to write well-wishes to be compiled into a book.

Jane Cain

You can hear the beautiful musical tribute to Jane below:

The Davidson College Presbyterian Church YouTube channel (

Special music was created for handbells (25:36). At 54:35, Cissi Lyles recounted some of Jane’s achievements at and for the church. At 59:49, David Brinson, DCPC Director of Music, introduced an arrangement, commissioned in Jane’s honor, of Jane’s favorite hymn, “How Can I Keep From Singing?” This was followed by the piece itself. Jane played a postlude of Eugène Gigout’s “Toccata for the Postlude,” beginning at 1:07:30.

Michael Rowland was the organist who played during the choir’s singing of “How Can I Keep From Singing?” He was Jane’s associate for many years at DCPC.

Jane Cain now holds the title, DCPC Director of Music Emerita.

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