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Is Surveillance Capitalism the Cause or Cure for Fake News? – Nov. 3

by | Oct 28, 2021

In a divided society, what role should technology play in defining what information is true?

Propaganda, fake news, and misinformation have been around for thousands of years, but the internet has changed how everyone consumes information:

  • Companies collect massive amounts of information on online users
  • They use that data and AI to keep users on their platforms longer (to increase advertising revenue)
  • Unlike reading the newspaper, social media encourages consumers to play a performative role for their social networks

In an increasingly divided society with eroded trust in institutions, how are individual citizens to know what truth is? What role should the government and private sector play in defining what information is true? Who, if anyone, should be responsible for censoring “untrue” information?

Join LaunchLKN for a conversation with Harrison Tang, CEO of Spokeo, a people search website that aggregates data from online and offline sources, and Michael Slaby, author of For ALL the People: Redeeming the Broken Promises of Modern Media and Reclaiming Our Civic Life.

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