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Upcoming Deliberative Forum on Free Speech and Inclusion

by | Nov 1, 2021

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The Deliberative Citizenship Initiative is hosting a virtual panel of experts followed by facilitated small group discussions among Davidson students, faculty, staff, alumni, and community members on Free Speech and Inclusion: Are they in conflict or are they complementary? How should they be effectively supported on college campuses? Panelists include Keith Whittington, Professor of Politics at Princeton University, Susan Brison, Professor of Philosophy at Dartmouth College, and Pareena Lawrence, Senior Fellow at Yale University and former President of Hollins University. Davidson’s Associate Professor of Philosophy Dan Layman will moderate the panel discussion. November 4 from 7 pm to 9 pm. Register on Eventbrite. Spaces are limited and filling up fast, so sign up today if you are interested in attending.

 Links are: and

For more information, contact:
Graham Bullock, PhD, MPP
Associate Professor of Political Science
Faculty Director of the Deliberative Citizenship Initiative
Director of the Sustainability Information Lab
Program Director of the Davidson in China Program
Davidson College Davidson, NC

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