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Check Out Main Street Books – on YouTube

by | Dec 23, 2021


While there aren’t many items on our community calendar in the coming days, there are still things to do. One of those things is watching archived videos on YouTube, and not just any videos, but videos on theĀ Main Street Books’ YouTube Channel.

Your News of Davidson team saw no fewer than 3 dozen videos on MSB’s channel. You can even watch the video of this year’s Annual Book Club Meeting in Davidson.

And while most videos have between dozens to hundreds of views, one stands out. A discussion with North Carolina chef and author Vivian Howard has more that 1,000 views. The video entitled “R-Rated Onions with Vivian Howard” originally aired in November 2020, and still keeps generating viewer interest.

We always encourage our readers to support our local businesses, and this is yet another way you can do that. Watch one (or more) of the videos. Tell your friends. Share it on social media. And then, stop by the brick and mortar store on Main Street and buy a buy a new book.

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