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Town’s Comprehensive Plan Implementation Guidebook Updated

by | Feb 16, 2022

Since the adoption of the Davidson Comprehensive Plan in 2020, the board of commissioners, town advisory boards, and town staff have been working hard to realize the vision for our town. This vision reflects extensive public input and community involvement. Recently, town staff updated one key tool that tracks our progress on initiatives identified in the plan. The Implementation Guidebook was updated in January 2022 and is accessible on the Comprehensive Plan website.

The Implementation Guidebook provides status updates on specific action items called out in the plan to achieve community goals. With this resource, interested residents can track progress on projects and policies they care about. The town remains dedicated not only to making progress in areas identified by the community in the Comprehensive Plan and subsequent Town Board Strategic Plans, but also being accountable for that progress by reporting it openly. In the coming weeks, we will share some examples of how the implementation guide and our progress on initiatives identified in the Comprehensive Plan tie into the work we do every day! 


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