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Less Than A Week Left To Complete LiveDavidson Affordable Housing Plan Survey!

by | Mar 1, 2022

Over the past several weeks, the Town of Davidson has been collecting feedback for the Affordable Housing Plan (known as LiveDavidson). The plan seeks to actively address the economic and social equity impacts to Davidson’s affordable housing needs.

For some fast facts about the LiveDavidson Affordable Housing Plan, please check out our informational flyer here.

The deadline to complete the LiveDavidson Affordable Housing Plan survey is coming up next week on March 7th! If you have not yet had the opportunity to fill out this survey, please take 2-3 minutes to do so here. Your responses and feedback will contribute to the final Affordable Housing Plan.

Please note that all survey responses are confidential and your data is protected. Phone numbers and email addresses are being collected only as unique identifiers for respondents and will not be used by the Town of Davidson. 

Thank you also to those of you who joined us yesterday for our first in-person engagement opportunity at the Ada Jenkins Center. We hope to provide additional opportunities for residents to provide public input, both online and in-person, and as the public engagement moves into its final phase, the committee hopes to host a public community meeting during which it will share the survey results. Please stay tuned for more information!

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