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In Support of Ukraine: Community Resources, Upcoming Events

by | Mar 13, 2022

This young child stood resolutely with her Ukrainian flag held high at the community rally for Ukraine.


Russia’s invasion of Ukraine has sparked outrage and an outpouring of support for Ukraine’s citizens from around the world.

Davidson College and surrounding communities continue to organize events and curate resources in an effort to aid Ukrainians, raise awareness of the crisis and educate those who want to know more about Russia, Ukraine and the historical and cultural context around this unprovoked conflict.

This page is a non-exhaustive list of the resources and events being organized on campus and nearby. We will continue to update this as new information and opportunities to show support for Ukraine become available.


Resources and Upcoming Events

Davidson Learns Event

Russia’s Invasion of Ukraine: Putin’s Historical Distortions

Professor Amanda Ewington

Event Details

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Amanda Ewington, professor and chair of Russian Studies at Davidson College, will provide historical and cultural context about the historical distortions Putin has used to justify the invasion of Ukraine. She will also discuss the advent of Russia’s isolation from the world due to sanctions.

Donate Blood

March 29: Blood Drive hosted by Davidson College Global Health

Other Upcoming drives (sortable by zipcode) in our surrounding community

Donate Funds

Relief organizations highly recommend that individuals work through existing organizations.

A financial contribution to reputable relief organizations is one of the most effective ways to support organizations who have the infrastructure to mobilize direct efforts. If you prefer to make a donation, be sure to visit Charity Navigatorto help assess an organization’s effectiveness in managing donated funds.  The following is a nonexhaustive list of organizations that have mobilized efforts and need support.

Learn More

Video: Journalist, Activist and Author Masha Gessen at Davidson College on “How Totalitarianism Reclaimed Russia”

Davidson Prof: Russia Belligerence Toward Ukraine Intended to Rewrite Post-Cold War Security Arrangements

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