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Three Davidson Students Awarded Watson Fellowships

by | Mar 15, 2022

In 2019 the 2018-2019 Watson Fellows met at Davidson to share their findings from their international studies.

Congratulations to Davidson College’s three newest Watson Foundation Fellows: Luis Cordero, Ellie Lipp and ChiChi Odo.

The Thomas J. Wat­son Fel­low­ship is a one-year grant for pur­pose­ful, inde­pen­dent explo­ration out­side the Unit­ed States, award­ed to grad­u­at­ing seniors nom­i­nat­ed by one of 41part­ner insti­tu­tions.

Davidson’s Watson Fellows, and details of their proposed study are below:


Luis Cordero

PROJECT: Foregrounding Dignity and Kindness in Care Facilities

Countries of study: Peru, Brazil, Germany, Australia, Nepal

Innovative models of care are being developed around the world to combat the isolation and ageism that plagues our elder communities. My Watson project seeks to understand how a culture defines “good” care among the aging and how that varies based on values and resources.


Ellie Lipp

PROJECT: Perception of Disability Based on Cultural Environment

Countries of study: Sweden, New Zealand, Ireland, Italy

How do spaces that center disabled communities reflect their voices and experiences? Developing close connections with members of the international disabled community, I will build relationships with advocacy organizations and explore the wide range of perceptions and policies that define disability.


Chibuike “ChiChi” Odo

PROJECT: Mental Health of Elite Athletes

Countries of study: Kenya, The United Kingdom, Australia, China

The mental health practices of athletes differs widely based on cultural differences, resources, and stigmas against psychological care. On the Watson I will study how mental health initiatives are integrated into national individual and team sports in four diverse countries.


The Watson Fellowship is a rare window after college and pre-career to engage your deepest interest on a global scale. Fellows conceive original projects, execute them outside of the United States for one year and embrace the ensuing journey. They decide where to go, who to meet and when to change course. They do not affiliate with academic institutions and may not hold formal employment.

The program produces a year of personal insight, perspective and confidence that shapes the arc of fellows’ lives. Started in 1968, Watson Fellows comprise leaders in every field. The one year stipend is $36,000. In addition, the foundation provides (through reimbursement) health insurance, the equivalent of 12-months of payments on outstanding institutional and federally guaranteed (Perkins, Stafford) loans, and an additional stipend for the support of Personal Assistance Services (PAS) or spouse. Only partner colleges may nominate students.

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