Congratulations, JM Alexander Future City Team
A team of middle-school students at JM Alexander competed in the Future City Competition against 41 teams from the United States and China. The JM Alexander team won the North Carolina region and moved on to the National Competition.
The team received the Professional Engineering special award given by the National Society of Professional Engineers (NSPE). In the YouTube video, Rick Guerra, President of the NSPE, says “I am so excited to present a professional engineering award sponsored by the NSPE. This year’s award goes to JM Alexander Middle School in North Carolina. This team demonstrated a thorough understanding of the need for technical and ethical reviews by creating both a board of engineering review and a board of ethical review to oversee their engineers. They also emphasized STEM education in their schools. Fantastic job!”
The team created “Terra Limpa” which is Portuguese for “clean land.” Terra Limpa is described as a waste-free, sustainable, nature-centered-city.
The team was led by JM Alexander teacher and trachband coach Leslie Cosentine.