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May Events for the ODD Sock

by | May 10, 2022 | Local, News, The ODD Sock

The ODD Sock has the following events happening in May.

When Compassion Activates Action… Lives Change

The ODD Sock collects clean, unpaired, outgrown, unwanted, gently used and new socks. Volunteers inspect, pair, and pack the socks, which are then delivered to nonprofits that have clients that need them.  Our motto is “When Compassion Activates Action… Lives Change.”  Here are the upcoming ways you can participate in changing lives.

1) Saturday, May 14, 10 AM – 3:00 PM: The ODD Sock will have a booth at the Spring Festival at First Baptist Church of Cornelius, 21007 Catawba Avenue, Cornelius, NC.  We will be collecting socks, providing information, and answering questions about what we do.  We will also have a special treat for all who visit the booth.  People do not need to sign up.  Just stop by.

2) The week of May 23 to the 27, the lead sock wrangler will be in Tennessee and Kentucky delivering socks to multiple organizations that serve the homeless and poor. Any monetary donations are greatly appreciated to help defray the cost of the trip.  Checks may be made out to The ODD Sock and mailed to 428-B South Main Street; Davidson, NC 28036, or you may donate via the web-site:

3) We continue to seek volunteer groups to host sock processing (sorts) where gently used socks are inspected, paired, sized, and packed for delivery. Groups may volunteer by emailing us at [email protected]

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