The Lynn and Marjorie Burris Gathering Space at DCPC

Lynn and Marjorie Burris
Earlier in May, Davidson College Presbyterian Church celebrated plans to construct a new gathering space on its building at Main Street and Concord Road.
A significant announcement was made that the new gathering space will be named the Lynn and Marjorie Burris Gathering Space. The Session voted to name the new, centrally located fellowship space after this special couple in honor of their ministries of welcoming, connecting, and serving. Lynn and Marjorie were usually seen together at the front doors of DCPC greeting both friends and visitors. Lynn died in October 2019, but Marjorie continues to serve DCPC and the Davidson Community.
Lynn and Marjorie Burris are familiar faces in Davidson. As a young couple they moved to Davidson (Woodland Street) in the mid-seventies. They both grew up in this area – Lynn in North Mecklenburg and Marjorie in Charlotte.
Marjorie remembers moving to Davidson when I-77 was under construction and when Davidson Elementary School had less than 350 students, and everyone knew all the children and their families.
Both of the Burris daughters attended DCPC preschool, Davidson Elementary, Alexander Junior High, and North Mecklenburg High School. Lynn was also a North Meck graduate.
Some of his Charlotte friends made comments to Lynn about the long commute to work in Charlotte. Lynn loved the commute from Davidson with “cruise control and a cup of coffee,” instead of traffic and stop lights from southeast Charlotte to uptown.
In addition to being active members and leaders at DCPC, both Lynn and Marjorie have been involved in the community. Lynn served as Davidson Precinct Coordinator, Chief Judge and the startup of North Cornelius Early Vote sites.
Marjorie enjoyed over 25 years as Board member with Davidson Cornelius Day Care Center and Co-chair of the Community Parish Nurse program at Ada Jenkins. Both have supported and were involved in the formation of Habitat in this area.
It is a fitting honor to name the new DCPC Gathering Space after Lynn and Marjorie.
Allyson Ray
Allyson Ray has lived in and loved Davidson since 1996. She is a retired financial planner who enjoys retirement more than anyone she knows.