Reader: We are Catching Up!
One week ago, we checked in to ask for your help, admitting a scary lack of reader donations so far this calendar year.
In that one week, your gifts to News of Davidson grew from $400 to $1500! And each gift reminds us that you are reading, and that you care about the work we do every week to keep you caught up.
We are thrilled and grateful for this response. We are still aiming for $2,500 —half of our $5,000 annual budget — by July 1, but we’ve relaxed our shoulders and are calming down.
We are betting on making it.
So, to repeat: What do your gifts mean for News of Davidson? Simply put, we stay in business for another year. But here’s the key question: What does News of Davidson mean to you?
If you count on our nonprofit site for community news, please, make a gift so we can keep calm and keep catching up.