Access to Success Has Exciting Plans in Nigeria this Summer
Access to Success is preparing to send a team to Nigeria this month. The team will visit A2S to help facilitate summer programs, as well as work on staff training. As A2S hires new staff in Nigeria and completes the furnishing of their Youth Center, children and youth in the area are still counting on A2S to put on their regular summer programs. Each camp experience provides needed items like shoes to campers and daily meals. The Entrepreneurship programs also provide daily meals and free resources for attendees. The community A2S serves lives in extreme poverty, defined by the Nigerian government as living on less than $1 a day. Participants eagerly anticipate these camps and events because they look forward to learning, playing, and escaping from life’s harsh realities for a while.
At Basketball and Empowerment camp, campers play, work on their basketball skills, and then spend time off the court learning important life lessons not covered in their schools. This year A2S is excited to offer empowerment lessons on understanding and combating depression – a topic identified by our local staff and coaches who understand the areas in which our kids need the most help. For $50, donors can provide one youth the opportunity to attend Basketball and Empowerment camp.
A2S’s Vacation Bible School offers opportunities for children to explore fun lessons at the After School Academy. A2S partners with a local church that has provided them with space for over 12 years. Gospel Bible Ministries means a lot to the community- and A2S loves to celebrate this partnership each year at A2S VBS. For $25, donors can provide a child the opportunity to attend Vacation Bible School.
In addition to A2S’s summer camps, we will be holding our annual Entrepreneur Pitch Competition. This year, leaders are excited to announce the return of their Entrepreneur Bootcamp event for the first time since the pandemic. Just $15 will cover the cost for one attendee for the Pitch Competition or Entrepreneur Bootcamp.
Please join A2S in our summer of success by making a gift here! You can also follow us on social media as we count down to the grand opening of the Youth Center (Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and LinkedIn).