The Gift of Local Pollinators
Last Saturday a group of local cyclists gathered on the Village Green for Davidson Lands Conservancy’s (DLC) pollinator garden tour. The event capped off National Pollinator week designed to raise awareness of dwindling invertebrate pollinators, like bees and butterflies. Saturday’s cyclists later met up with a larger group of walkers who joined the tour to visit numerous properties graced with pollinator-attracting native plants.
Pollinators and supporting native plants are vital to us and to nature. Every third bite of our food can be attributed to the work of pollinators. In addition, they play a vital role in nature’s delicate balance and food web supporting wildlife. But they are threatened as about 40% of invertebrate pollinator species, especially bees and butterflies, face risk of extinction due to rising temperatures, scarcity of habitats, and increasing human threats.
DLC’s conservation mission includes promoting native plants to support wildlife, including pollinators. DLC Board member Pam Hay who helped organize and lead the tour, along with Gordon Clark, commented “by sharing these wonderful pollinator gardens we hope to bring a greater understanding of the critical role pollinators play in our ecosystem and to show homeowners how they can make a real difference by reducing lawn grass and adding native plants.”
Bruce Batman added after the tour, “What a great Saturday morning! It was delightful to hear from local gardeners regarding their pollinator gardens and their experiences. Many good tips and lots of excellent information.”
A large contingent from The Pines, led by George Gabel, Chair of the Pines Nature Organization (PNO), also participated in the walk. The Pines and PNO are preparing to install a new pollinator garden this summer.
Protecting and enhancing wildlife habitat is one of DLC’s conservation pillars, and planting native plants to attract pollinators is a key element of that program. Pollinators and their favorite plants are among the many threatened gifts of nature – they need our help to survive and thrive. It’s easy to get involved and turn your property into part of the bee and butterfly highway. Connect with for more information.
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Davidson Lands Conservancy is an accredited land trust with the mission to conserve local lands and natural resources, and connect lives to nature. DLC advances its mission through education and through four conservation pillars or programs: land conservation and stewardship; greenways and trails; urban forestry; and wildlife habitat.
The growth pressures on the Davidson area are staggering and, while economic development benefits our community, balancing growth with conserved land and natural areas is critical to our quality of life and to keeping Davidson special, attractive and healthy. Go to for details on programs, news, and events.