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How Does Your Garden Grow?

by | Aug 17, 2022

The gardens at The Pines.


For years, The Pines at Davidson, an active retirement community established in 1988, offered garden plots for residents. In 2019, new construction replaced the gardens. Due to the extended construction projects and delays caused by Covid, the new garden plots were not available until this year on June 1.

Raised planting beds

Jim Nelson, chair of the garden committee and himself an experienced gardener, Pat Butt, former chair of the committee, and Stuart McCachern, The Pines horticulturist, designed and planned the newly fenced area. There are 34 plots, each 5’ x 10’, among graveled paths. Water stations, with hoses attached, are within easy reach of each planting area. The secured gardening shed has a wheelbarrow and many garden implements. Now, all the residents need is to provide seeds, plants, and labor.

Although the planting season started a little late, residents have planted a wide assortment of vegetables, even a nice stand of corn, and flowers. An anticipated addition, planned for October planting, will be the Pollinator Garden, an idea from resident George Gabel and piloted by The Pines Nature Organization. You will find that garden’s design below.

The garden is located toward the back of The Pines property, near the Randall Kincaid Greenway.

The next big feature will be a pollinator garden – “Pollinator Paradise.”


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