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New Eagle Scouts – New Era for Troop 58

by | Sep 11, 2022

Sophie Dellinger (left), daughter of Jenni and Rob Dellinger, and Anna Dula, daughter of Lisa Dula, received the rank of Eagle Scout on August 21, 2022, at their Court of Honor, held in the Congregation House of Davidson College Presbyterian Church.


Last month, Sophie Dellinger and Anna Dula attained the rank of Eagle Scout, making history in Scouts BSA Troop 58 for Girls. Since February 1, 2019, girls have been able to join troops formerly reserved only for boys. As active members since then, Anna and Sophie set their sights on the highest award in Scouting.

In order to achieve this highest level in Scouting, each girl had to climb seven Scouting ranks, earn at least 21 merit badges, complete an Eagle Service Project, become a leader within their troop, and prepare a final Eagle Scout Binder. Working toward Eagle fosters the highest ideals of leadership shown through physical, mental, and moral growth, and only about 6% of Scouts reach this highest rank.

Sophie’s Eagle Project was the design and painting of the West Branch Greenway Community Mural, which is found at the tunnel under Shearer Road.

The tunnel is prone to graffiti, and her project is an attempt to prevent further vandalism and liven up the space.

Anna’s project involved collecting books and cleaning and building bookshelves to hold them. Partnering with Promising Pages, her project will provide books for underprivileged neighborhoods, schools, and children. Both projects received community support and involved the whole troop bringing the projects to completion.

The troop is chartered by the Davidson Lions’ Club and has support from Davidson United Methodist Church and Davidson College Presbyterian Church. Girls interested in joining Scouts BSA Troop 58 for Girls can find information here:

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