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Run For Green Postponed

by | Sep 29, 2022

Runners will have to wait a couple more weeks for the 2022 Run for Green. (Bill Giduz photo)


Rescheduled for Saturday, October 29, 2022

Run For Green will NOT be held this Saturday and has been POSTPONED until Saturday, October 29, 2022. The Conservancy recognizes postponement negatively impacts some runners.  However, the likelihood of hazardous conditions on Saturday, including risk of heavy rain, flooding and tropical storm winds, threaten the safety of runners, volunteers and supporters.  Given the Conservancy’s safety-first core value, postponement of Saturday’s Race was deemed the right call.

Other than the change in the date to October 29, all other logistical details remain the same.

The Conservancy greatly appreciates participants’ understanding and patience as refunds to runners are not possible.

Currently registered runners are automatically registered for the October 29 race. All participants are advised to stay tuned to for details on the Race, packet pick up and future updates.

Volunteers make the Race possible and the Conservancy is grateful for the many volunteers signed up for this year’s Race.  Currently registered volunteers are automatically signed up to volunteer on October 29. If you are unable to volunteer then, please contact Katie Noble at [email protected].  


About – Davidson Lands Conservancy is an accredited land trust with the mission to conserve local lands and natural resources, connect lives to nature, and promote a conservation ethic.  DLC advances its mission through education and through four conservation pillars or programs: land conservation and stewardship; greenways and trails; urban forestry; and wildlife habitat. 

The growth pressures on the Davidson area are staggering and, while economic development benefits our community, balancing growth with conserved land and natural areas is critical to our quality of life and to keeping Davidson special, attractive and healthy.  Go to for details on programs, news, and events.