October 2022: Planning Department News and Updates
Greetings, Davidson Community Members!
This is the latest installment of the Planning Department “eCrier,” a message highlighting various plans and projects in the works and events that are coming up. Below you’ll find a list and short description of things that we’re working on, along with how to find additional information about each topic. We hope you find this information useful.
Please be sure to reach out to us if you have any questions, and check back at the Planning Department website for the latest information!
Historic Preservation Update
Historic Preservation Plan: Development of Davidson’s first town-wide historic preservation plan is well underway. The plan will serve as a guide for proactive preservation decision-making over the next 10-15 years by developing goals, strategies, and an overall vision for historic preservation in town. We anticipate Board of Commissioners discussion of the draft plan this fall. Updates will be posted to the Historic Preservation Plan webpage:
Sloan House Conditions Assessment & Building Use Study
The town was recently awarded a $15,000 grant by the State Historic Preservation Office for a conditions assessment and building use study for the Sloan House, located at 230 South Main Street. The completed study will be used to ascertain the current material health of the building, form recommendations for ongoing maintenance, and brainstorm possible adaptive reuse strategies sensitive to the building’s historic character. This study will be especially useful in deciding the future of Sloan House, as town administrative offices relocate to 251 South Street in the coming months. Grant funds are made available through a 2022 federal Historic Preservation Fund grant to Certified Local Governments from the National Park Service, administered by the State Historic Preservation Office.
Development Project Updates
Davidson Condos Conditional Map Amendment: The Board of Commissioners approved the project and the accompanying conditions at their September 13, 2022, meeting. The project must still be approved by Town of Davidson and Mecklenburg County staff after a final technical review(s) of the proposed plan. Additionally, the building’s architecture must receive approval by the Town of Davidson Design Review Board. Beyond these conceptual exercises, the project must submit construction documents for review/approval. For more information, please see the project webpage.
Boulder Rock Loop Master Plan: Town of Davidson staff approved the Master Plan in September; this is a conceptual plan of the development. The next step is for the project team to provide construction documents for technical review by town/county staff. For more information, please see the project webpage.
Boulder Rock Loop Master Plan: Town of Davidson staff approved the Master Plan in September; this is a conceptual plan of the development. The next step is for the project team to provide construction documents for technical review by town/county staff. For more information, please see the project webpage.
Potts Development: The Potts Development proposal is to develop a 15.441± acre site(s) located on Potts Street, to accommodate the construction of 242 multi-family residences. The development will also include public open space including a neighborhood park, dog park, and a multi-use path.
An agreement was executed and consent order staying litigation filed with the courts in the matter of Davidson Acquisition Company, et. al. v. Town of Davidson. Both parties have signed an agreement that clearly outlines the next steps the developer, Crescent Communities, LLC, must take in order to move the Potts Development project forward. This information was shared at the September Board of Commissioners meeting.
The town believes this agreement offers a path forward that will still require the project to meet the high standards of the Davidson Planning Ordinance and all other applicable regulations but will also allow for a timely solution. The town believes this agreement to be in the best interests of the town.
Want more information on what’s going on in Davidson? Be sure to visit our website often, follow us on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram, and sign up for our eCrier email distribution list.