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Town Begins Annual Street Resurfacing

by | Oct 24, 2022

As part of the annual streets resurfacing project, the Town of Davidson will be contracting road work starting Monday October 24, 2022. This work serves as year two of a comprehensive five year plan to maintain and improve streets across all of Davidson. The plan focuses paving in tight geographic areas to be the most cost effective, and will generally move west to east over the five years.

A pavement survey provides data to guide the decision making process in terms of prioritization and type of improvement needed on specific roadways. $600,000 of the Town of Davidson budget is allocated each year towards these paving related activities.

As seen in the map, streets that will see improvement are located west of Main Street and largely north of Griffith Street. The expected completion date is Tuesday, November 15, 2022.

There will be temporary lane closures for the project, but no road closures. We will work to minimize impact to affected residents.

Please contact Doug Wright, Town of Davidson Project Manager, with any questions or concerns at [email protected] or 704-940-9625.

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