Waste Pro Updates Bulk Waste Pick-Up Process
Waste Pro, the Town of Davidson’s contracted garbage and recycling collection company, has made some changes to how it handles bulk waste pick-up.
What is bulk waste?
Bulk waste is defined as “furniture or other items where large size precludes or complicates handling by normal solid waste collection, procession, or disposal methods.” This can include swing sets, bicycles (without tires), scrap metal, copper, and more.
I’m a Davidson resident. Will Waste Pro collect my bulk waste?
Yes! Waste Pro will collect your bulk waste! Simply call Waste Pro’s customer service line at 980-255-3800 in advance and make an appointment. Appointments are currently limited to the customer’s usual weekly date of service.
Does it cost anything?
No. There’s no collection fee for bulk waste pick-up.
What about “white goods” like a refrigerator, dryer, etc?
Residents can take these types of items to the North Mecklenburg Recycling Center located off Highway 21 in Huntersville.
For all garbage and recycling information for the Town of Davidson, please visit the website at: