Town Historic Preservation Plan Released
The Town of Davidson’s full Historic Preservation Plan has just been released for public review. This important document will provide a “roadmap” for historic preservation in Davidson for the next 10-15 years. Read the full plan hereTown of Davidson Historic Preservation Plan Released.
Historic preservation has long been a priority for the Town of Davidson. In 1989, the Historic Preservation Commission (HPC) was created, as well as the first local historic district. This local district gave the town control, through the HPC, over the design of structures built within the district. The Davidson Board of Commissioners affirmed the importance of historic preservation in their 2020 Comprehensive Plan and also more recently as one of the guiding tenets in their most recent Strategic Plan. Specific action items in the Strategic Plan include:
- developing a historic preservation plan
- expanding the historic district
- improving historic district guidelines
- supporting strategies for naturally occurring affordable housing with historic preservation principles
- supporting grants for local businesses who want to rehab structures in the historic district
In the fall of 2020, the town began the process of working towards its first ever Historic Preservation Plan, and in early 2021, Heritage Strategies was chosen to produce the Historic Preservation Plan. Several updates have been offered to the Davidson Board of Commissioners and the public during the development of the plan, including overviews of specific chapters and highlights of anticipated action items.
Community input has been an important part of the process throughout the creation of the Historic Preservation Plan. Beginning today, November 2, residents are invited to provide public comment on the plan by emailing [email protected].
The Town of Davidson will also host a public input session at town hall at 216 S. Main Street on Wednesday, November 9 from 5-7:00 p.m. Attendees can expect a brief presentation at 5pm, followed immediately by a Q&A session. The presentation will repeat at 6pm, followed again by another Q&A session. Comments on the plan will also be collected at this event.
There will be a public hearing for the Historic Preservation Plan during the board of
commissioners’ meeting on Tuesday, November 15 at 6:00 p.m. Community members are invited to sign up to speak for no more than three minutes each as part of the public hearing. The public comment period will end following the hearing on November 15, 2022.
For questions and more information, please contact [email protected].