Team Recycling Effort Making a Difference at The Pines
What started off as a pilot program involving two floors of the main apartment building at The Pines has grown into a campus-wide effort by residents who are recycling take-out food containers that they bring home from the dining room. Spearheaded by two residents, this initiative has the support of the housekeeping supervisor, who has supplied wheeling carts and large bags for weekly collections.
Area representatives held organizational meetings and recruited volunteers to do the collecting of the containers, and villa representatives set up collection sites in their basements. The culinary team saves boxes to pack up and transport the large supply of containers to the recycling center in Charlotte.
Last week, residents filled a van with six large bags of containers and took them to the Innovation Barn as our donation. They were welcomed and given a full tour of the facility, and were amazed at the processing center and the products being made from this plastic material. One item is the clear face shields that protect our healthcare workers!
Residents and staff are proud of this very worthwhile project. Otherwise, these containers end up in our landfill where they won’t break down. A great team effort proves that we can, indeed, make a difference!
[photos courtesy of Angie Grooms]