DavidsonLearns Winter/Spring Registration 2023
Heads up, veteran and new learners! Registration for the DavidsonLearns Winter/Spring term begins at 10:00 a.m. on Monday, December 5.
What’s it all about? Just about everything. History, literature, creativity, music, politics, astronomy, science. It’s about community, friendship, and engagement. You’ll discover something new, rediscover an old interest, invigorate your brain, and learn from experts who know their subjects and love to teach.
One student described a recent DavidsonLearns course as “a great adventure” shared with friends, making new friends along the way.
Veterans of this lifelong learning opportunity are already online, checking out the curriculum for the new year. They can’t wait for 10 a.m., Monday, December 5, to sign up for their next learning adventure.
Here’s just a sampling of the 19 Winter/Spring courses on offer: Basic Game Theory; 20th Century American Popular Music; Gender, Literacy, and Power; Civil War: A New Birth of Freedom; Town of Davidson History.
Curious? Visit to explore the course offerings for Winter/Spring 2023. Classes can fill quickly, so don’t hesitate to register if one or two offerings catch your fancy.
See you in class.