December News from The ODD Sock
The ODD sock will be making many sock deliveries in December to various local charities. We are also making a large delivery of socks to Lights of Life Rescue Mission in Pittsburgh, provided by a very generous donation from The Wilson Brown Sock Co.
The ODD Sock Community service hours will be held at the Sock Barn (mini storage) on 12/7, 12/14, and 12/21 at 409 Jetton St in Davidson. Please email us if you have interest.
Ho, Ho, Ho! Do I hear Santa? YES! There will be a sock collection event on12/6 at Ben & Jerry’s in Davidson from 5p.m. to 8p.m. Donations of socks and money will be accepted. Santa will be present for pictures (reservations required; sign up through Eventbrite).
Please consider donating financially to the ODD Sock, so we can continue to help the homeless and less fortunate. Email [email protected]