Rotary Club of Davidson Weekly Update
The Rotary Club of Davidson has regular meetings on the
1st, 2nd & 3rd Mondays of each month (excluding federal holidays)
Upcoming Meeting Schedule:
January 9, 2023
12 noon North Harbor Club
100 N. Harbor Place, Davidson, NC
January 16, 2023
No Meeting.
Martin Luther King Holiday.
Upcoming Speakers:
January 23rd:
Jean Andzulis
Boomerang Water
Rotarian of the Day:
January 9th: Karen Martin
January 23rd: Ruth Olson
Visitors always welcome!
Volunteers Needed…Inspire Young Leaders
With a goal of exposing teens to a variety of career opportunities, Angels and Sparrows is looking for individuals to share their career journey as a part of their teen program on Tuesday and Thursday evenings between 6 – 7 pm. The teens are between 13-18 years old and looking to determine their career goals. If you are interested in sharing your career experiences, contact [email protected] or call 704-232-1294.