Arts & Science Council ‘Meet & Greet’ for Local Creatives
Leslie Berro and Will Keible, your neighbors that represent the Town of Davidson on the Arts & Science Council’s (ASC) North/West Advisory Council, invite Davidson area creators, crafters, and artists of all disciplines and experience levels to connect with us, connect with each other, and learn more from ASC staff about the ways our local arts agency invests in people, programs, and ideas that lead us toward a more equitable, sustainable, and innovative creative ecosystem for all. Details of ASC grant funding opportunities, including CULTURAL VISION GRANTS and CULTURE BLOCKS, will be discussed.
Refreshments will be provided. Questions about the event can be directed to Leslie Berro at [email protected]
RSVP is required at
Date: Wednesday, February 8
Time: 4-5:350 p.m.
Location: WDAV Classical Radio
423 N. Main St, Davidson
Parking: There is a parking lot located directly behind WDAV that can be accessed from Jackson St.