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Ice Cream for Breakfast AND Scouting for Food

by | Jan 31, 2023

Davidson’s Ben & Jerry’s is supporting the Scouting for Food Drive.

Join us at 202 South Main Street, Davidson from 9-11 am Saturday, February 4th for Ben & Jerry’s National Ice Cream for Breakfast Day Waffle Bar.

Special #icecreamforbreakfastday $6 topping bar will include all things wrong for your diet but great for peace, joy and happiness: maple syrup, chocolate syrup, hot fudge and caramel, mini marshmallows, mini chocolate chips, honey, powdered sugar and REAL whipped cream. Need we say more? YES!!!
Bring a bag of groceries to Ben & Jerry’s (before the event or that morning) and get 1 complimentary Breakfast Sundae Bar! The groceries will support the Scouts of America’s Annual “Scouting for Food” drive benefiting the Loaves & Fishes Foodbank.
In greatest demand are canned fruit (especially no sugar added), canned meats, canned pastas, cereal and low or no sodium canned vegetables. No glass containers please!

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