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Davidson Lifeline Presents Documentary “You Belong Here”

by | Jun 12, 2023

Davidson LifeLine is proud to announce that we are hosting a screening of ‘You Belong Here’ on June 30 at 6:30 p.m. at the Davidson Town Hall and Community Center. This is a documentary exploring the stories of LGBTQ+ persons and allies who grew up in and around rural North Carolina. The film highlights LGBTQ+ voices to promote understanding and acceptance and addresses the suicide rate among young people in the community. Following the screening will be a Q&A panel with individuals from the film and people with lived experience from our community in the Davidson area.

We would love to extend you an invitation to the event! However, we are asking for no filming or recording during the panel. You can find more details and reserve your free ticket here.

If you have any questions, please reach out to Alyssa Benziger at (585) 500-0167 or [email protected].

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