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Hurt Hub Celebrating Five Years

by | Jun 15, 2023

Davidson College’s Hurt Hub


This July, we are excited to be celebrating our fifth anniversary at the Jay Hurt Hub for Innovation and Entrepreneurship focused on facilitating access and exposure to innovation and entrepreneurship for ALL. By providing mentorship, experiential learning opportunities, educational programming, access to startup capital, an inclusive co-working space, and innovative consulting – we have been able to catalyze solutions to critical problems in our Davidson, Lake Norman, and Charlotte region.

Gov. Roy Cooper (second from left) paid a visit to the Hurt Hub shortly after it opened. He chatted with senior students Andrew Ashur (l), David Danielson, and Adrian Mayanshow who created window-washing drone technology called Lucid. Accompanying Cooper were alumni Jay Hurt and Ed Van Deman. (Bill Giduz photo)

The student and community stories we are able to tell, the lifelong learning opportunities we provide, and the lives we have impacted, have only been possible with the generous support of our community through expertise sharing, mentorship, and philanthropy. As we look to our next five years of celebrating purposeful serendipity at the Hurt Hub, we are focused on engaging all innovators and aspiring entrepreneurs in our region with the tools they need to be successful. We believe that a growth and innovative mindset will serve everyone in their pursuit to be of service to others and to be leaders in their communities.

Today, we are thrilled to share a slice of the amazing stories of student and community entrepreneurs, startup grant fund winners, and mentors encapsulated by Danielle Strickland and Caroline Roy ‘20 in the Davidson Journal. These stories illuminate the work and ethos of the community we have built and continue to grow at The Hurt Hub@Davidson.

We hope that these stories inspire you to get involved and consider making a gift that directly supports economic mobility and development in our community. Thank you, and we look forward to continuing to have fun making the impossible possible with you in the next five years!

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