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Town Planning Department: July 2023 Update

by | Jul 22, 2023

A screenshot from the Planning Department’s “Development Projects” web page.


This is the latest installment of the Planning Department “eCrier,” a message highlighting various plans, projects, and events currently or soon-to-be underway. Below you’ll find a list and short description of things that we’re working on, along with how to find additional information about each topic. We hope you find this information useful. If you want to follow up with us about any questions you may have, please do so – our contact information is available on our department’s homepage, which also contains this same list of information mid-way down the first page. Check back from time to time for updates.

Development Project Update

Summit Farms: The Summit Farms Master Plan proposal continues to progress through the Conditional Planning Area process, with a decision by the Davidson Board of Commissioners (BOC) tentatively scheduled for August 2023. Located at the southeastern corner of the East Rocky River and Shearer Road intersection, the proposal integrates commercial services, a variety of residential building types, and a working agrarian landscape on +/- 57.64 acres. The project aims to fulfill the vision set forth in the 2016 Rural Area Plan for village-scale, mixed-use development at this location.

Exploratory site design by the project team and discussions with town staff began in November 2021. The project team presented their concept to the BOC in October 2022 and the Town of Davidson received the project’s official application in February 2023. Since that time the project has progressed through a number of technical reviews as well as discussions with town advisory boards (Planning Board, Design Review Board) and the BOC. Concurrently, the project team hosted events for area stakeholders in February and the general public offered feedback at a site visit and public input session on May 3, 2023. Comments from the public events are summarized in the Public Input Session Report, which the Davidson Board of Commissioners reviewed at their June 13, 2023 Work Session. For a copy of that report and further information on the project see the project webpage. A public hearing is scheduled for the July 25 BOC meeting.

River Run Swim & Racquet Club: The town has received a complete development application for site changes at the River Run Swim & Racquet Club. The purpose of the project is to remodel the existing entry to the Swim and Racquet Clubhouse with a new brick paver patio and new driveway entrances into the existing parking lot. The project scope also includes five new pickleball courts, resurfacing of three existing tennis courts, and a new parking lot accessed from Turnberry Court. Additional information can be found on the development project webpage

Design Review Board

Recent Design Review Board Approvals: The Design Review Board (DRB) recently approved plans for the Storyhill mixed-use commercial building at their July 19, 2023 meeting. Approved plans can be found on the Storyhill (Lake Forest Church) development project webpage. The DRB also approved plans for seven multi-family buildings and an amenity building part of the Novel Davidson (Potts Street Residential) project. Plans for that project can be found on the Potts Street Residential development project webpage.

Updated August Design Review Board & Historic Preservation Commission Meeting Date: The August meeting date for DRB & HPC will be a week later than usual on Wednesday, August 23, 2023. Meetings will still be held at 5:30pm in Community Rm 120 at the new Town Hall & Community Center located at 251 South Street.

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