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Town Announces New Pedestrian Safety Zone Signage

by | Aug 2, 2023

DAVIDSON, NC – Residents and visitors alike may notice new banners and sidewalk stickers designed with a ‘friendly owl.’ This wise spokesperson, who remains aware of their surroundings, is an intentional choice to indicate pedestrian safety zones in a contextually sensitive way. The banners designed with attention-grabbing roadway colors and message to ‘STOP.LOOK.WAIT, Keep Our Crossings Safe,’ are hung at a sight level for drivers to see as they enter and exit the designated zones. The intentional crossing lines at the bottom of the image are there to serve as a reminder to pedestrians to utilize crosswalks.

The Town of Davidson continues efforts to educate its community, residents, and visitors by prioritizing safety culture. Stemming from residents’ input, the Board of Commissioners passed a new Town Ordinance Sec. 70-46 , last fall, designating pedestrian safety zones in high traffic areas and streamlining enforcement policies throughout town. Pedestrian Safety Zones are intended for all within the zone to practice behaviors that promote predictability and encourage mutual responsibility and respect where drivers, walkers, and cyclists share space.

This public safety initiative to enforce illegal road crossings is in direct alignment with Vision Zero Davidson. With a focus on decreasing pedestrian injuries and deaths through a comprehensive, targeted public education approach including high-visibility law enforcement. Safety culture is a part of the Town’s 2022-2023 strategic plan, its comprehensive plan, and the Davidson Vision Zero Action Plan. The Town remains committed to investing time and resources to carry out the goals of its pedestrian-friendly community.

With summer ending and the inevitable increase in crosswalk activity, a month-long warning period for improper road crossings in high traffic areas will be in effect beginning Friday, August 4 through Monday, September 4. The Davidson Police Department (DPD) will issue official warnings in an effort to educate the community on the new Town ordinances. Following the warning period, starting Tuesday, September 5, the DPD will issue $30.00 citations for violations of this new ordinance at the officer’s discretion.

The town will focus on two specific zones initially, two of town’s most high-volume vehicular and pedestrian areas, including an area directly impacted by tragic pedestrian fatalities: Main Street (at Griffith) to Eugenia Street (next to Carrburritos) and Jetton Street (from Milkbread to Harris Teeter). Please review Ordinance Sec.70-46 for a complete list of designated Pedestrian Safety Zones in the Town of Davidson.

For more information about the town ordinance and enforcement schedule, please contact the Davidson Police Department by calling 704-892-5131 during standard business hours (8:30 a.m. – 5:00 p.m. EST)

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