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Ada Jenkins August News

by | Aug 7, 2023

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This summer has been wonderfully busy at the Ada Jenkins Center. We hosted our community’s third-annual Juneteenth celebration, then opened Camp LEARN Works — our free summer program providing academics, friendship, and fun for qualifying students in grades 3-8.

Now our LEARN Works team is preparing for the start of the 2023-2024 school year and registering after-school volunteers!  To learn more about our LEARN Works After School Academic Enrichment Program and volunteer opportunities, please visit our Education Services webpageApplications must be submitted by September 1.

The after-school program also needs to replace some aging items:  a 3.2 cubic-foot refrigerator/freezer (plus a lock/key for it) and a 2-shelf locking storage cabinet for books. If you’re interested in donating, please contact Kateaka Brown.

Demand at our food pantry is up 30% since March, and we are nearly out of some important food and toiletry items:

  • Condiments (ketchup, mayonnaise, mustard
  • Salad dressing
  • Dog and cat food (3-lb. bags)
  • Full-size shampoo (we can’t accept mini or hotel toiletries; sorry)
  • Body wash
  • Deodorant
  • Laundry detergent
  • Toothbrushes and toothpaste

If you can donate these items, we would greatly appreciate it!  Volunteers are available Tues-Thursday, 9:30-11:30am to accept donations at the food pantry entrance.

Several client families are moving into new housing (hooray!) but don’t yet have furniture. If you or your business have a single or double air mattress to donate, please let us know!

On September 10, our friends at Trane Technologies are hosting the 2023 Lake Davidson Sprint Triathlon on their Davidson campus–and donating all proceeds to the Ada Jenkins Center.  (Click here to register.)  We can’t thank them enough!  Right now, they are looking for volunteers for race-day set up, parking assistance, run/bike course volunteers, lifeguards, and more. Great opportunity for teensclick here for details.

We hope to see you there!  And thank you, as always, for caring about the families we serve. ​(Click here to register.)

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