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Comprehensive Plan Implementation Guidebook 2023 Update

by | Aug 10, 2023

What’s Next, Davidson? (Bill Giduz photo)

Since the adoption of the Davidson Comprehensive Plan in 2020, the board of commissioners and staff have been working to realize this collective vision for our town using the Implementation Guidebook. This vision reflects extensive public input and community involvement. The Guidebook is a key tool in tracking Town’s progress and the alignment of initiatives with Davidson’s core values and mission. Updated for a second time in August 2023, the Guidebook is accessible on the Comprehensive Plan page of the Town’s website.

The Implementation Guidebook is organized by goals included in the Comprehensive Plan, approved in 2020. Each chapter begins with a list of goals along with policies and a summary of the goals’ intentions. It also provides status updates on specific action items called out in the plan to achieve community goals. A tabular key indicates each action’s status: Complete, In Progress, or Awaiting Action. Each action also lists the lead town department and any associated policies that the action helps support.

With the guidebook as a resource, residents can track progress on projects and policies that are of importance to them. The town remains dedicated to making progress in areas identified by the community in the Comprehensive Plan and subsequent Town Board Strategic Plans. The town also acknowledges the importance of remaining accountable for progress and providing transparency in its annual updates.


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