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Parking in Town – Now that Students Are Back

by | Aug 29, 2023

Yes, there is a comprehensive parking study if you want to know more.


Now that Davidson College students have returned to campus, bringing with them more cars and thereby reducing the number of available parking spaces, especially in the downtown area, it’s a good time to review designated parking places. The town’s parking map can be found here:

Please be mindful of the designated two-hour parking limit spaces. The fine for parking violations is $30.00, and can be paid online or at town hall. Remember, too, that there is free parking in the lot of Davidson Presbyterian Church on Depot Street.

Meanwhile, if you want to know a LOT more about parking in Davidson – you are in luck. In 2017, the Town undertook a comprehensive parking study in downtown Davidson. That document can be found here. And while there have been a few changes in the past 6 years, the majority of the parking data provided in that document remains accurate today.

Lastly, it is worth noting that one temporary change is the closure of the Town parking lot off Jackson street at the old Town Hall, new Public Safety building. During the construction at 216 S. Main the parking lots are closed or restricted access.

Jennie Clifton

Jennie Clifton, a Concord native, taught high school Latin in Georgia, where she was a Tar Heel in exile until she and her husband Cecil, a Davidson graduate, retired here in 2011. They are now enjoying life at The Pines.

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