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Deadline to Join a Deliberative Citizenship Initiative (DCI) “D Team” is Coming Soon

by | Aug 31, 2023

Deadline to Join a DCI D Team is Coming Soon – Fall Topics are Speech, Harm, and Offense; Book Censorship; and Abortion

Frustrated that you don’t have opportunities to discuss important topics with your fellow citizens and especially those who you disagree with? Would you like to participate in facilitated conversations about issues facing our community and society? Then the Deliberative Citizenship Initiative (DCI) is for you!

Over the past three years, the DCI has been creating spaces where citizens – broadly defined – can deliberate together about the contentious topics facing our communities. If you care about the quality of our public discourse and would like to build a greater sense of community through productive conversation across differences, then you might consider joining one of the DCI’s Deliberative “D” Teams.

D Teams are groups of Davidson students, staff, faculty, alumni, and community members who deliberate together about contentious topics in a small and private setting (either online or in-person).

D Teams meet three times between September and November and enable participants to make lasting intergenerational connections and talk in depth with people from a multitude of backgrounds and ideological leanings. D Team meetings are facilitated by DCI Fellows, who are Davidson students who have been selected and trained to be the DCI’s deliberation facilitators.

The DCI’s Fall 2023 D Teams will focus on the following three themes: speech, harm, and offense; abortion; and book censorship.

Learn more and register for a D Team here (deadline is September 7). You are also welcome to join our Deliberation Facilitator Training Program, which will enable you to bring more productive deliberation to your community or organization. Sign up here for this year’s training sessions on Sept. 10 and 16 (1:30 to 5:30 p.m.) by September 5.

 To learn more about the DCI’s impact in the 2022-2023 academic year, we welcome you to check out its most recent annual report hereYou can also read about the generous support the DCI has received this year and the many ways students, faculty, staff, alumni, and community members are engaging with its programs here.


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