Happy Anniversary, Dear Readers!

This is how we launched News of Davidson in 2017.
Happy Anniversary, Dear Readers!
Picture this: The date is September 15, 2017. A sunny, late-summer day. The time is 9 a.m. A couple of your neighbors sit under a tent alongside bakers and farmers with tables that brim with the ears of corn, bunches of basil, heirloom tomatoes, peppers, eggplant, zucchini, scones, and gorgeous flower bouquets.

Margo Williams and Meg Kimmel at the Davidson Farmers Market in 2017.
Our table brims with excitement, anticipation, blank sign-up sheets for names and email addresses, and answers to the question of the day: What is News of Davidson?
For two years we had been meeting, dreaming, and planning. That morning,—a nonprofit website for news and information about Davidson and its environs for the people who live and work here and those who care about this special place—was going live at last.
Over the past six years, a broad community of readers has clicked on NOD for stories about Davidson’s multiple nonprofit organizations and agencies and its vibrant places of business, learning, performance, competition, and faith. Its rich history and vision for tomorrow. Memorial notices, friendly advice or reflection, recognition of good deeds, verses of poetry—and the occasional alert of a felled tree blocking a neighborhood byway.
You may have signed up on Day One or clicked in just today. You may not have yet made a gift or you may be among the more than 250 readers who have supported our all-volunteer team with annual gifts large and small. Regardless, we gratefully welcome you today to join our digital celebration of neighborhood journalism in Davidson.
We enjoy your company. Please come again and often to learn more about your community.
Oh, what’s that, an anniversary gift? Why yes, thank you!
Meg Kimmel
A professional communicator with a long career in higher education, Meg now consults and volunteers in areas where words and images work together to tell a story. She's a proud member of Davidson's Class of 1977 and lives nearby with her husband, Don, Davidson professor emeritus of biology, with whom she shares a family grown by kinship and choice.
Support Your Community News

Bill Giduz, Margo Williams, Jane Campbell, and Meg Kimmel, the original Editorial Board of News of Davidson that has now expanded to include Allyson Ray, Jennie Clifton, and Pam Dykstra
Excerpts from News of Davidson’s Introductory Post 9/15/2017
We are a nonprofit source of news and information about the people, places, images, and events that make this town beloved by its 12,000 residents. A longtime Davidsonian heard about our efforts to launch this online news site and encouraged us with the response, “Good. A great town needs a great newspaper…”
We’re game and hope you are, too, because you can help our effort. Please send us suggestions for improving the site. Like all good websites, News of Davidson will continue to evolve. Please help us by telling your friends about us. Send us news tips and let us know about photo opportunities. Send us photos you’ve taken and would like to share that reflect Davidson life at [email protected]. Sign on as a regular columnist. You’ll find us at [email protected].
We hope you enjoy the site we’ve established thus far, and we thank the over 20 correspondents who have already signed on to regularly publish their views of our favorite town in the world—Davidson!