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Fitness, Fellowship, Faith (F3) Davidson Participates in the Adopt-A-Highway Program

by | Sep 12, 2023

Fitness, Fellowship, Faith (F3) Davidson recently adopted a stretch of roadway, under the Adopt-A-Highway program, from the corner of Main and Concord, out to a left on Grey and down Grey about a mile.

(l to r) F3 members Adopting a Highway, Marc Roper, Dan Ebbing, and Michael Mayoff.

We have committed to the NC DOT to clean these streets at least once a quarter. This is part of our commitment to our community, and one of many service projects the men of F3 Davidson have undertaken. These projects include blood drives and work with the Ada Jenkins Center, the Davidson Community Garden, Davidson Housing Coalition, Purple Heart Homes, and many more.

The mission of F3 is to plant, grow, and serve small workout groups for men for the invigoration of male community leadership. F3, which started in Charlotte in 2011, is a network of free, peer-led workouts in 49 states and multiple other countries. (There is a similar organization for women called FIA, Females in Action).

F3 was started, in part, to address the isolation and loneliness that is often a part of adult men’s lives, impacting their mental, emotional, and physical health. The last of the three Fs -Faith – we define as simply a belief in something bigger than oneself.

Here in Davidson, we have over 15 weekly workouts of various styles at different times of day and locations, but most are “in the gloom” – 5:30 a.m. weekdays and 7:00 a.m. on Saturday, starting

(l to r) F3 members, David Nock, Marc Roper, Brad Wilkinson, and Jeroen HF Kaijser Bots

at the Davidson Town Green right in front of the library. Any men interested should simply show up for a workout and/or check out the Davidson specific website or the national website and for more information and to find a location nearby. There is no minimum fitness level needed.


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