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Davidson Composts: Food Waste Reduction Program is Official!

by | Sep 27, 2023

The Town of Davidson has allocated funds for the continuation of its food waste reduction program, Davidson Composts. This initiative is in direct alignment with the town’s Sustainability Framework and Strategic Plan and free to residents thanks to grant funding support from the North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality.  

The town tested the concept by piloting a successful six-month program last fall when residents diverted 14,655 pounds of food waste in the first four months. Three additional drop-off sites have been established since the pilot’s initial start in the fall of 2022. The new locations at Beaty Park, River Run Athletic Field, and Caldwell Green Tot Lot were determined based on community use in these areas and to increase accessibility and ease for residents to participate.   

Davidson’s food waste drop-off locations are open 24 hours, seven days per week: 

  • Davidson Town Hall & Community Center: 251 South Street
  • Davidson Pumphouse: 865 South Street (former Parks & Recreation Office)
  • Ada Jenkins Center: 212 Gamble Street
  • Gethsemane Church: 565 Jetton Street 
  • Davidson Farmers Market: 120 South Main Street (near Farmers Market shed)
  • Beaty Park:  832 Beaty Street
  • Caldwell Green Tot Lot: 320 Caldwell Lane
  • River Run Athletic Field: 13007 Robert Walker Drive

Enrollment is simple: residents must complete the online enrollment form and select whether they would prefer to receive a complimentary 3.5-gallon bin or use their own. Once participation has been confirmed, additional details are provided. 

Davidson Composts was developed collaboratively by the Davidson Parks & Recreation Department and Crown Town Compost. Residents are responsible for bringing acceptable items to designated town drop-off locations. Town Compost is responsible for the collection of waste from designated drop-off locations in town on a weekly basis. They will then process the scraps into finished compost before returning portions back to the Town of Davidson for community projects, such as landscaping efforts at Beaty Park.

The town encourages residents to join the effort to reduce waste, reduce greenhouse gas, and nourish the soil. 

For questions and additional information regarding Davidson Composts, including what materials can be composted, please call the Davidson Parks & Recreation Department at 704-892-3349, email them at [email protected]. or visit the town’s website:    

To learn more about the Town of Davidson’s sustainability efforts, visit:

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